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Motor Skills
Motor skills

Starting from the fact that our body is the basic organ of action and a means of development and perception, we can understand how important the acquaintance with the body and its potential plays in infancy.

The cultivation of motor skills through a lesson of psychomotion, dance or movement play presupposes that the individual child is treated as a whole. The course creates the conditions where both mind and body are alert and co-create.

A preschool kinesiology lesson includes play, goals, recreational cooperation between children, development of spatial perception, creativity and, above all, the cultivation of each child’s personal kinetic and perceptual identity.

The ability to express themselves through the body gives children the opportunity to get in touch with their emotions and imagination, helps them to feel confident, cultivates rhythm, releases their energy in a creative and cooperative way.

Concepts such as fast-slow, high-low, next to, below, above, with someone, against someone, etc. begin to be perceived and experienced physically.

In toddlers, motor skills develop in greater depth as children are slowly able to recognise qualities of movement and use their limbs with greater strength and control. At the same time, the child is invited to improvise in cooperation or alone in order, within a kinetic freedom, to retrieve from memory or instinctively what he has learned or to express his personal kinetic identity, something extremely important for self-confidence and the cultivation of a global empowerment of the child. The movement lesson encourages children to depict stories and roles through their movement. It enables the child to express his/her thoughts, skills and co-create with other children.

Subtle Mobility

A term referring to the coordination of the hands and fingers. This skill is linked to the child’s handwriting skills, some of which are:

Inherent Mobility

A term referring to the coordination of body movements. This skill is linked to the child’s motor skills, some of which are:

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