The Blue Balloon - Infant Department
The second hug and the intense emotions:
The infant section embraces children at their most sensitive and tender age. Our aim is to provide love, care and security. For the little children who leave their mother’s arms and come to ours.
1 - 1.5 years old
At this age we plan the daily program for the development and care of children according to their needs.
1,5 - 2,5 years old
1,5 - 2,5 years old
In this age group, children discover both themselves and the world through their senses and movements.
2,5 - 3,5 years old
An age at which they start to learn a lot. They develop their language skills, imagination, creativity and free expression.
The Blue Balloon - Kindergarten
The educational programs of our kindergarten, cultivate the interests of the children and provide them with a variety of stimuli and experiences, and ensure a smooth transition to primary school.
In the pre-kindergarten section, children are prepared for the kindergarten classroom, as they come into contact with all learning contexts adapted to their age needs.